суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


OCaml has its own alternatives, including ocamllex , which replaces lex , and ocamlyacc and menhir , which replace yacc. The next section of the lexing file is a collection of named regular expressions. This feature is not intended for use in ordinary lexical analyzers, it may facilitate the use of ocamllex as a simple text processing tool. Characters are read from the Lexing. If all matches have the same length, then the first action wins.

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For example, the first input trueX: A parser-specification file has suffix.

Chapter 13 Lexer and parser generators (ocamllex, ocamlyacc)

The ocamlyacc command produces a parser from a context-free grammar specification with attached semantic actions, in the style of yacc.

There are currently two errors: It is passed the continuation of the lexing, on which it has total control. We'll start by declaring the list of tokens. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. Active 4 years, 10 months ago. The OCaml code for the rules has a parameter called lexbuf that defines the input, including the position in the input file, as well as the text that was matched by the regular expression.

Alternatively, we could keep the left-recursive definition and simply construct the returned value in left-to-right order. Lexing functions take as argument a lexer buffer, and return the semantic attribute of the corresponding entry point. The newline introduces the operator, which lets one of several alternative regular expressions match in this case, the various carriage-return combinations of CR, LF, or CRLF. As we saw in the type definition in parser.

The header goes at the beginning of the output file; it usually contains open directives and auxiliary functions required by the semantic actions of the rules. Tokens are values from the concrete type tokendefined in the interface file grammar.

The first section is on optional chunk of OCaml code that is bounded by a pair of curly braces: Let's walk through the definition of a lexer section by section. The symbols are usually tokens.

The names of the entry points must be valid identifiers for OCaml values starting with a lowercase letter. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. Lexer buffers are an abstract data type implemented in the standard library module Lexing. It then discards tokens from the input until it finds three successive tokens that can be accepted, and starts processing with the first of these.

The "give up on the first error" approach is easy to implement but isn't very friendly.

ocamllex (1) - Linux Man Pages

It also keeps track of the currently used parser ad the next entry point. Assuming the input file is grammar.

The following is a small lexer ocamlles only matches echoquoted and unquoted strings, comments, and prints out the resulting tokens: We first consider the case of linear patterns, that is the case when all as bound variables are distinct.

The reason for this is that its possible that the input buffer might not have reached the end of the comment yet and I'd rather immediately return the "foo" token than needlessly block trying to eagerly consume the comment. This representation is much richer than our token stream, capturing the fact that JSON values can be nested inside each other and that JSON has a variety of value types, including numbers, strings, arrays, and objects.

Chapter Parsing with OCamllex and Menhir / Real World OCaml

Menhir features an extended standard library of built-in rules to simplify this handling. For example, ocamllexx is not represented. These look syntactically like ordinary OCaml let bindings, but really this is a specialized syntax for declaring regular expressions.

The following is a small lexer which only matches echoquoted and unquoted strings, comments, and prints out the resulting tokens:.

For instance the matching of aba by ocamlex regular expression 'a' "ab" as x "ba" 'a' as y may result in binding either x to "ab" and y to "a"or x to "a" and y to "ba". The deterministic automata generated by ocamllex are limited to at most transitions.

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